Dont You Dare….
Session 13: Stealth Checks
Hey, Adventure-Raisers! Boy, the number 13 really is cursed, I’m so sorry this week’s upload was delayed. There were a few technical issues that I had to bash my head through, on top of a prolonged cold, etc. Anyway, I’m just glad to be back. The game must go on! Ok, so, this week I…
Session 6: Character Building
Author Unknown… Lizard Boi, a dear friend, decided to torture me with this today so I said it’d be the feature image. OP – we are blood siblings
Session 4: What Snacks Do Adventurers Pack?
Now, my group doesn’t typically play foraging and survival campaigns. However, I will say that I doubt we need to run one anymore. Ever since Little Green Dragon joined the table, we’ve had to step up our strategy in this department. I mentioned in Session 1: Scheduling, that one of the keys to having your…