Session 5: Dire Wolf

One of the founding rules of Rolling With Rugrats was that we could include our furry friends as part of the “rugrat” component, and I stand by that rule! This is Dire Wolf, or as he is also known: BEAN, Bean Boy, Fuzzy Cow, Corgi Butt, The Low-Maintenance Child, and Banshee’s Bane

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I’ll be honest, Dire Wolf doesn’t join in a lot of the campaigns I participate in just because the DM I play with is allergic. So the poor thing is stuck lounging upstairs with his favorite uncle for hours on a perfectly good Saturday, haha. When that uncle comes over, Dire Wolf essentially gains a drinking buddy while we play D&D, so everyone’s happy. When we built the game room downstairs we even made sure to put down Pergo, just so we could sweep away his fur easily for our DM.

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However, when my husband Orin DM’s Dire Wolf is welcome to join in the fun! We even call him down to snuggle his aunts and uncles who come over just to cuddle him. Haha, he’s also handy to have around for find loose chips and crumbs after the session ends.

Monster Manuel
For anyone wondering, Dire Wolf is half corgi half border collie…. in other words, a borgie! A Fey’s noble steed and a Shepard’s faithful friend.
And yes, I am fighting to get him some Table Top costumes. Orin doesn’t really like dressing him up, but I believe he could get used to a few little pieces. Obviously nothing too stifling. Given that corgi bark, I was thinking a mandrake would be fitting. And I’m making him a little quiver and pencil arrows for the Ren Faire this year (pictures to come, I’m sure).

I need to come up with a good monster encounter based on Dire Wolf… any ideas? I’ll post on social media, too, and transfer comments here.

What do you all do with your familiars on game day?

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