Session 38: New Year’s Resolutions

Hello, Adventure-Raisers! Well, no sense fighting the tide: it’s January, so today in Session 38 we’ll be talking about some Dungeon and Dragon’s New Year Resolutions… Happy 2025, by the way!

I slapped this list together, not gonna lie, so I’d love to hear if you guys have any other resolutions, we should all try out, so be sure to comment and let me know below!

1) 7 pm cutoff

We’re cutting screen time in favor of board/card games at 7 pm. Obviously we want to limit screentime, for all the benefits that comes with, but I also have been missing the gamming world. I need to break a piece of the day off for it and set a good example for Little Dragon.

2) Limit our metagaming.

Hubby had this one… and I don’t THINK it was directed at me… (eyes flicker form one side to the other)

3) Run at least one one-shot this year.

Yeah, so, I’ve never done it. And my best friend is writing a NEW SYSTEM to run a one shot of her favorite franchise this year. It’s just so inspiring that I have to give it a go. I have to.

4) Get back to a consistent uploading schedule!

I know my first year was rocky, but I promise I’ll get back into a good rhythm. Starting with this post, and a goal of posting once a week with a few mems in between 🙂

5) Keep the game room clean…

don’t expect before and after pictures, haha.

So you may be wondering why only 5. It’s deliberate. I know most of us aren’t successful with our New Year’s Resolutions, but I wonder if that’s because we make them too ambitious? Sometimes the act of holding yourself to a high standard takes more energy than the standard itself. It becomes counterproductive at some point. So, by all means, keep it light and keep it small, to make sure you actually do have a happy new year.

That’s all for tonight, see you later, folks!

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