Session 20: Happy Belated Father’s Day!

Author: Orin, Nat20Mom’s husband and Littel Dragon’s father

Hello and a happy belated Fathers’ Day to all the Dragonkeepers that visit Rolling with Rugrats! I just wanted to give a quick thank you to all the people that have been visiting Nat20Mom’s site! I understand that in the grand scheme of things, she hasn’t been doing this for a horribly long time, but it makes her really happy and every time she gets a fun comment or hits a view milestone, it always seems to brighten her day. This pastime means a lot to her and me, so I appreciate all of you web adventurers that have stumbled upon and enjoy our little corner of the tavern. As always, keep on adventuring to make the world a better place, and once again for the DM Dads and Paladin Papas, keep on helping your little dragons to be the best thems they can be!

Remember, you are not on this journey alone!

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