Category: Heroic Parents

  • These Skills are Transferable

    These Skills are Transferable
  • The Overlap…

    The Overlap…
  • Session 17: TTRPG Friend

    Session 17: TTRPG Friend

    Hello, Adventure-Raisers! Today I wanted to talk about being the TTRPG Friend, just to take a break from GenCon. Specifically, I want to talk about being the friend that gets someone unto TTRPGs. The Aunties and Uncles So naturally, the table composition is important if you’re going to be spending long hours with them every…

  • Session 16: GenCon Prep Continued, The Ultimate Bag of Holding

    Hello, Adventure-Raisers, Happy Weekend! I’ve been seeing r/gencon just explode, no surprise there, about advice for the Con. Now, I don’t want everyone to think that the advice I give is solely for GenCon, it just happens to be the only Con I make it to every year: based on my limited experience with other…

  • Design the Level Up

    Design the Level Up
  • The 3 Stages

    The 3 Stages
  • Session 13: Stealth Checks

    Session 13: Stealth Checks

    Hey, Adventure-Raisers! Boy, the number 13 really is cursed, I’m so sorry this week’s upload was delayed. There were a few technical issues that I had to bash my head through, on top of a prolonged cold, etc. Anyway, I’m just glad to be back. The game must go on! Ok, so, this week I…

  • Mindset


    Folks who say stay-at-home parents don’t work have never been a babysitter, personal chef, maid, chauffer, speech therapist, 1st aid nurse, dog-walker, dietician, living jungle gym, best friend, and voice actor all at once.

  • Session 12: Sick Days and Judgement Days

    Session 12: Sick Days and Judgement Days

    Hey, Adventure-Raisers! Content warning: This week’s post will be significantly less TTRPG themed. I’m going to focus a little more on the parenting/ real-world side today, if that’s alright with everyone? Feel free to let me know in the comments or DM me on FB or Tumblr, too. Ok, so… this week was a bust.…

  • Session 10: GenCon Prep, Stroller

    Session 10: GenCon Prep, Stroller

    ‘Sup, gang? Ok, I am still feeling out the exact direction and scope of this blog, but I think the bread and butter will be these kinds of advice columns until the Little Dragon is old enough for me to get comic anecdotes from his adventures at the table. Last year, 2023, was my family’s…

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