Category: Bad Day

  • Session 35: I’m back

    Session 35: I’m back

    Hello, Adventure-Raisers! I know… I broke my promise. I said I’d update every week, and then just when things seemed to be getting good, or at least when it felt like I had a lot of material, I ducked out. For a while. I’m so sorry. I know I don’t have a fanbase to disappoint…

  • Session 33: Am I a Bad Player?

    Session 33: Am I a Bad Player?

    Hello, Adventure-Raisers! So jumping right into it… I had my first game day without Little Dragon in a long time yesterday, and I noticed that I was a little more than off my game. I forgot major rules, my dice weren’t very fond of me, and I had trouble centering in my character for role…

  • Session 29: A Bad Day

    Hello, Adventure-Raisers! I know this isn’t the topic I wanted to talk about this week, but if I’m being honest, I’m late to post and too burnt out to post anything very well. Little Dragon, Orin, and I had a… a very bad session. So, I’ll post this just to remind us all that bad…

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