Hello, Adventure-Raisers! If you’re anything like me, you’re just now thinking about Christmas presents for your little dragons! Oh, don’t get me wrong, I know we’re always buying them goodies. But this month you NEED to get it RIGHT, right? I’m here with a scroll of suggestions!
1) Dice link
Like, seriously, just go on Etsy and make sure your little dragon can read them clearly. Or patronize your local game store and buy a few generic, random color schemes so your little dragon can make it their own. If you like them, they probably will, too.
2) The ABCs of D&D link
We actually got his one at our baby shower for Little Green Dragon, haha. It’s an official book from Hasbro (if that deters you these days), and to be honest very few of the letters relate to iconic D&D monsters, lore, or mechanics, but the drawings are bright and playful and it’s overall educational.
3) A Hero Figure link
We all know and love Hero Forge at this point, and if your (slightly older) little dragon has a favorite character to play then they’ll love having a little statue of them! One of my mother’s signature holiday moves was to use all my McDonald’s toys and Disney figures to decorate a smaller Christmas tree to the left of the big family tree. It made me, the baby of the family, feel so special to have my own tree, and the icing on the cake was being able to name all the smiling faces peeking at me through the branches. Imagine if you only had their character and their favorite NPC, peaking around a shiny red bauble…? Take that, Elf on the Shelf.
4) No Thank You Evil
If you missed my previous review of this game, I won’t bog you down here! Check it out at this link.
5) Plushies of Iconic Monsters link
Cuddle your way to victory! Smoosh the beholder! Bury the red dragon under the blanket! When I was small, I had a Godzilla action figure that I couldn’t live without. Because my father once told me that he’d protect me, and NO ONE messes with Godzilla. Successfully. It made so much of my fear leave me behind, and that could only have been a good thing. I was a nervous kid. So imagine what a plushie of tarrasque could do?
6) A Good, Fun Journal Example
One of the many benefits of TTRPGs that gets lost in the kaleidoscope of good things is the art of note-taking. Seriously, I cannot as an engineer-by-day emphasize how much a person needs to be able to take good notes. A tasty extra benefit is a dramatic improvement in handwriting, which I also emphasize as the daughter-in-law of a medical professional.
7) Spell Flash Cards link
If your little dragon is fully into D&D but the mechanics of the spells are still daunting, these spell decks have been known to help even seasoned players remember what their characters can do, Just draw the spells of the day from the deck, and Boom! you have your spell mechanics at your fingertips and all your spell slots counted (flip over a card every time a spell is used). Plus, anything that keeps them off of a screen, even to look up the rules, is a blessing.
Ok, those are just the first few I thought of! There are soooooo many, maybe next week I’ll cover ideas for getting your Little Dragon started on cosplay and sewing! But that’s all for now! Remember, you’re not on this journey alone! Happy December!